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OperateSAFE Campaign, our Ten Rules for Safety

The primary focus for Flannery is that our employees put safety and well-being first.

We continuously build on our safety culture by stopping any activity that could lead to harm of ourselves or others and working collaboratively to find a safer way. Above anything else, we want to ensure we all work with a healthy and safety-first attitude and can go home safely at the end of each day.

As part of our safety program, all Flannery operators are issued with an OperateSAFE card as part of their on-boarding. This card empowers every Flannery employee to SPEAK UP & STOP WORK If they see unsafe acts or conditions.

We expect everyone to commit to the Flannery five behaviours as identified in our Operate Safe program. Being proactive in seeking the safest solutions, we are launching the Flannery OperateSAFE Rules, which form the basis of our health and safety culture, and we expect everyone to embed them into all work-related tasks. Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing videos explaining our ten rules, these will be published on our website and social media channels.

We will continue to publish safety bulletins, training videos, deliver Toolbox Talks online and via our plant trainers and hold regular “Have your say sessions.” Working collaboratively with our employees, clients and suppliers, we continue our proactive approach to find the safest methods of work and adopting innovative technology that supports our health and safety ambitions.

We have also recently launched the OperateSAFE observation card online, anyone can use this to let us know of any concerns or if they have spotted a great example of health and safety best practise.

It is so important that we take care of ourselves and each other so we can get everyone home safe, every day. If you have any questions please contact us using the contact form.