It has never been more possible to deliver all construction projects within specification, on time and on budget.

Over the last 15 years our frequent partnerships and collaborations with leading construction companies have seen us develop our machine control  offering in line with the demands of the industry we serve, and we now have unrivalled expertise in the field.

Project sites are increasingly insisting on 3D machine control for earthworks and we know that this is just the beginning of a huge shift in the construction environment to a new focus on measurable efficiency and sustainability. On- and off-machine equipment and sensors provide cutting-edge machine control, unrivalled project precision and optimised safety on site.

If you need your excavators, dozers and rollers to meet current productivity, sustainability and safety requirements then please get in touch.

Contact us about our Machine Control

Why digital machine control?

  • Reduce materials wastage = cuts costs
  • Fuel/energy/emission reductions, CO2 reduced = greener sites
  • Improved site safety = remove people from hazardous work zones
  • Optimise workflows = improve life-cycle costs
  • Reduced reliance on surveyors = less reworking of materials
  • Increased machine productivity = less down-time, idling, queuing
  • Differentiate = stay ahead of the competition

Supporting your use of the new technologies

The construction industry as a whole is facing a huge change in the way it works right now. If you or your team need to know more about making digital construction actually work for you we’ve developed an experienced group of people whose responsibility it is to work with our clients to promote and develop the use of the technologies.

This includes:

  • Undertaking 3D GPS awareness events on client project sites, demonstrating the benefits of machine control, and providing advice and guidance on how it works.
  • Working in partnership to host Digital Days where our clients’ personnel have access to 3D GPS machine guidance and control technologies along with other new technologies in the sector.
  • Collaborating with our clients at an early stage on new projects to explore the opportunities for digital technology and evaluating where efficiencies, productivity gains and safety benefits can be achieved.
  • All operational staff, including operations managers, supervisors and hire desk team have completed a 3D GPS course to ensure they can advise and support our customer base.
  • Our trained team of service engineers who install GPS equipment to our plant fleet and provide on-site mechanical support.
  • Our experienced technical support team who provide support with up-loading models and who can assist our clients’ engineers with technical difficulties.

Vital digital skills training

The most efficient way to bring the benefits of digital machine control to the industry is to make sure everyone who needs to know understands exactly how it works.

Educating the industry so that the benefits of digital machine control can be made a reality on every construction site is a now a core part of our business. We’ve consistently trained and upskilled our team of operators to ensure competency, and our training team can provide training modules both on-machine and using plant simulators.

In addition, we have a Digital Construction Training School at our Birmingham depot. This state-of-the-art facility includes a number of simulators configured with machine guidance and digital control technology, and a field-based training area that holds a fleet of machine guidance and digital control connected machinery.

Finally, we’ve worked in partnership with the providers of machine control technology to develop a 1-day 3D GPS Digital Machine Control and Guidance course. This is being delivered by our team of trainers utilising simulators and machine-based technology.

Joining up the dots on our digital construction sites – MachineMax

Part of our mission to confidently provide intelligent machinery nationwide and educate the plant hire workforce to improve project efficiency, safety and sustainability has been our ongoing collaboration with MachineMax.

This overarching data-driven system empowers plant managers with accurate realtime information, enabling them to evaluate the machine mix on-site and judge whether a fleet is working at optimum capacity. In addition to this, the data can provide excellent information on operator performance, identifying training opportunities and driving positive behavioural change onsite.

With the right analysis, the biggest areas for improvement come by making small operational changes ensuring the impact of idling and emissions can be minimised.


Visibility: Track all machines online in a single platform

Operator performance: Identify training needs and help reduce emissions by cutting idling time

Sustainability: Reduce carbon emissions

Cost: Manage idling, cut maintenance and operational costs

Productivity: Increase output by identifying bottlenecks, reduce cycle time, optimise shifts

Safety: Avoid no-go zones, monitor speed and out of hours operation, prevent theft

MachineMax provides a revolutionary telematics solution via an intuitive platform, from which fuel, emissions and idle time can be managed as well as using geo-location technology to track machine movement.

Easy to install, the MachineMax digital box provides a live GPS signal that transmit realtime data indicating when the equipment is on, off, idling and its location. Previously, the operator would have had to manually record this information (as accurately as possible) and somehow enter it into a centralised database. Using this technology, all data can be recorded and accurately reported immediately.

The consistent, objective data provides visibility of work and allows clients to make decisions on the best product mix and volume to deliver their project. This ultimately results in improved revenue, decreased operating costs and a drastically reduced carbon footprint. By providing real-time information and on-demand reports, the MachineMax solution provides a clear, genuine oversight.

If you want to know more about how Flannery can support your team with any Machine Control Systems and Training please get in touch today.

Contact us about our Machine Control Systems and Training