Building a pro-active, safety-first attitude across the Flannery team is one of our key focuses. Working collaboratively our aim is to get everyone home safe, every day.
Today we are pleased to introduce you to Dessie, our Supervisor Fitter, who is responsible for the safety in the yard at our Wembley head office. To find out more about his everyday work, we popped in to ask him a few questions.
What does a typical day involve?
The first thing I do is make sure that everybody on the yard has a safe environment to work in and that the team are ready to start. My responsibility is to make sure it is going to be safe for everybody to work and that all the machines are inspected and ready for hire. I go to the machine and check it all over with a pre-delivery inspection list. When the machines come back from the site I check if they need service. I also keep an eye on all the lifting equipment and making sure it is being used correctly.
What is your favourite thing about your job?
I definitely enjoy the electrical side of my work. When new technology and safety features are brought out and I get to learn more about them every day. Checking the height and slew restrictors, halo lights, all the cameras etc. Flannery have a lot of innovations on their machines.
What do you do to keep yourself safe at work?
This is pretty simple. I follow the manufacturer’s instructions and our procedures that are designed to keep me safe and ensure I work in an area free from other hazards.
What do you do to keep others safe at work?
The most important thing for me is to manage the people plant interface constantly. For example, if I see the guys are getting into the machine to go to the yard, it is good to step forward and remind them to check for people and other plant. We make it safe and easy to operate by following the “Thumbs Up” approach to make moving machines safe. I also keep an eye out for everyone in the team and check that everyone uses the right tools for the right job.
Read more about our safety activities here
If you are looking for the online safety observation card it is here